HMH LIMITED (in liquidation) 15 October 2018

Notice to Creditors to Lodge Claims Regulation 12(2) of the Companies Act 1993 and Liquidation Regulations 1994 Notice is hereby given that the liquidator of the above-named company hereby fixes 29 October 2018 as the last day for creditors to lodge their claims with the liquidator and establish any priority their claims may have. Creditors who have not lodged a claim by the date hereby fixed shall be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claim is lodged and those creditors may not object to that distribution. Dated this 11th day of October 2018. MURRAY G. ALLOTT, Liquidator. General Notes: Any creditor of the company who has not received an unsecured creditor’s claim form should contact the liquidator at the address below. Address of Liquidator: 16a Hamilton Avenue, Riccarton, Christchurch 8041. Postal Address: PO Box 29432, Christchurch 8440. Telephone: (03) 365 1028. Email: [email protected].

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Companies Act


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Murray G. Allott
Murray G Allott Chartered Accountant

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